Virginia Water Systems Inc.
The Water Authority
High Purity Skid System
The Pre-Engineered High Purity Skid Systems are designed to serve as the centralized, purified water source for a variety of academic, medical, and other research laboratory facilities. The systems final water quality is designed to meet or exceed Type II reagent-grade water (CAP/NCCLS and ASTM standards). The systems are fully pre-piped, pre-wired, and factory-tested on a common skid package to minimize field installation and start-up costs. Standard features includes the following equipment:
Pre-Treatment (inlet filter / carbon / softener)
Reverse Osmosis (RO) machine
RO water storage tank
Stainless steel distribution pumps
DI exchange polishers (portable exchange type)
Ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer
Final sub-micron filter (0.2 micron)
Central control panel with purity monitoring